What's your return policy?
All sales are final. For more details, please review our return policy.
Do you offer shipping?
Yes! Simply Distinctive Concepts will ship your orders using USPS, UPS, or FedEx. For more details, please review our shipping information.
Do you ship overseas?
No, not at this time
When will my order ship?
For in stock items, delivery time to most locations within the US is 7 to 10 days. Delivery is depended upon carrier schedules.
Can I pickup my order?
Yes, you can. When placing your order select pick up and a presentative will contact you to schedule a pickup date & time.
How will I know that my online order has been received?
You will receive an order confirmation email after placing your order online!
Can I cancel or alter my online order once it has been placed?
Yes, we ask that you send us an email to www.simplydistinctiveconcepts.com within 24 hours of placing your order.
How does pre-order work?
A pre-order is the purchase of an item not currently in stock. All pre-orders require payment in full when placing the order. For more detail review the “Pre-Order” section of our shipping policy.
Does Simply Distinctive Concepts ever have sales?
We always recommend keeping an eye on our sale section online for new markdowns. Stay tuned! The best way to keep on top of sales is by signing up for our texts.
What if my order arrives damaged?
We do our best to ensure that every item is delivered in perfect condition, but sometimes damages do occur in the shipping process. For more details, please review our return policy.
When is my credit card charged for preordered items?
Your Faq page should address the most common questions customers have aboput your products,services,and brand as a whole.
Which credit cards do you accept?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover
Do you offer financing?
Yes, we offer Shop Pay and Afterpay! Both are a “buy now, pay later” option for our online customers. They offer affordable monthly payments at intervals chosen by you. We also offer Snap financing. For more details regarding our financing options, please review our website.
Do you offer interior design services?
We offer design advice and personalized mood boards to fit your space for a fee. Visit our design services page on our website to request a consultation session.
Do you have a designer trade program?
No, not at this time.
Do you have a location?
Currently we are online only. However, we plan to move into our showroom in 2022.