Privacy Policy

Simply Distinctive Concepts respects your right to privacy and is committed to protecting our customers' personal information. This Privacy Policy summarizes our practices regarding information collection, use and disclosure practices for this Website (


When you visit this Website, you may provide us with two types of information: (a)personal information you knowingly and voluntarily choose to disclose, and (b) information that we automatically collect as you browse this Website. We collect and store any information you voluntarily enter on this Website or provide to us in offline contacts we have with you. Information is collected from visitors to this Website, including in the following areas, as applicable:


If you register for this Website, or for specific events, contests, and newsletters on various areas of this Website, we will generally ask you to provide contact information, and preferences regarding the event or material for which you desire to register. You may, however, visit this Website without registering.


Some areas of this Website may allow you to order products or services, whether or not for a fee. In connection with these transactions, we collect data necessary to complete the transaction and that is furnished by you, which may include contact information, date of birth, e mail address, telephone number and your credit card number.


On several screens of this Website, you have an opportunity to communicate with us by E-mail and/or Social Media. You may also choose to provide your e mail address to receive communications from us or third parties. When you browse this Website, you and your Web browser may also transmit information that we automatically collect. We do log your IP address (the Internet address of your computer), the Web pages you visit and the time of your visit, and other click-stream data. This information may be combined with other personal information you voluntarily have provided. The only other type of information automatically provided to us is the type of computer, operating system, and browser you are using. This information is provided by your browser, which we use to improve the performance of this Website and make it more compatible with the technology used by the visitors to this Website. We may also place small data files, called "cookies", in the browser file of your computer's hard drive. These cookies automatically identify your browser to our server whenever you interact with this Website. We use the cookies to record Website statistics. Most browsers automatically accept the cookies, but you usually can change your browser setting to prevent the acceptance of cookies. Certain Web pages may not function properly if you choose not to accept cookies.


We use your personal information to communicate with you if and when necessary, in connection with your use of this Website, to respond to your questions, or to send you material and information you request. We may also use your information to: Personalize your Website experience and to allow us to deliver the type of content and product information in which you are most interested; consider your suggestions; possibly respond directly to you for clarification; process your request for materials or information; try to answer any questions you may have; and provide you with e-mail messages and other information regarding upcoming events, new services and general information about our products and services. You may elect not to receive these communications, either when you initially register at this Website, or at any time thereafter. We may also use collected information in order to help diagnose problems with this Website.

We may use all information we collect to analyze statistical use patterns and demographic data (basically, where our visitors come from and what demographic characteristics they have) and to improve this Website to better serve our customers. We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our servers, and to administer this Website. Your IP address is used to help identify you and your shopping cart and to gather broad demographic information. We may also prepare and keep statistical records and other data about you and other users of this Website, but we do that in a way that does not identify you or any other user personally. We may hire third parties to help us collect and analyze such data, and we may share such statistical data with such affiliated third parties. Again, such statistical data will not specifically identify you or any other user. We use this information to help us make this Website more useful to visitors -- to learn about the number of visitors to this Website, what part of this Website they are interested in, how long they use this Website, and the types of technology our visitors use.

We use Shopify to power our online store.  You can read more about how Shopify uses your personal information by visiting this link:


Except in the limited circumstances described above and stated in this paragraph, we do not sell, rent, license, trade or otherwise disclose the personal information of this Website visitors to unaffiliated third parties. We may disclose your information to our affiliates or service providers who assist us in operating this Website or conducting our business. We may also share such information among our subsidiaries and affiliates as necessary to provide you with the information and services you request or in which you may otherwise be interested. We may disclose information about you if and when we believe it is necessary to comply with any law, rule, court order, or subpoena, or to enforce our legal rights or the rules of this Website, or to protect our business, property and operations, or in connection with a sale, acquisition, merger or other business combination of our business with a third party. We may also disclose nonpersonally identifiable visitor information to other parties for marketing, advertising, or other uses. Some areas of this Website may allow you to conduct e-commerce transactions (event registration, donation, etc.). In connection with these transactions, we collect data necessary to complete the transaction that is furnished by you. This information may be furnished to a third party in order to facilitate the transaction.


We may create links to other Websites that we think may be of interest to you. We do not endorse any other Websites, and this Privacy Policy applies only to your use of this Website. We have not reviewed the privacy policies of any Websites we link to this Website, and you should read the privacy policies of each Website you visit to determine what information about you that Website may collect and use.


Because we are committed to your privacy, we have put in place physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to attempt to safeguard and help prevent unauthorized access, maintain data security, and correctly use the personal information we collect online. When you place an order or access your personal information on this Website, we offer the use of a secure server. However, please remember that no transmission of data over the Internet or any wireless network can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information that you transmit to us or from us, and you do so at your own risk.


By using this Website, you consent to our collection and the use of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy. If we change our Privacy Policy, we will post these changes on this Website. You can review this Privacy Policy each time you use this Website so that you are aware of any modifications made to these policies.


This Website provides users the opportunity to opt-out of receiving communications from us at the point where we request information about the visitor. You have the option of reviewing or removing your information from our database, and to no longer receive communication from us. If you request your account information be deleted from our database, we may maintain information about individual sales transactions for the purpose of recordkeeping and servicing. You can send e-mail us at or send mail to the following postal address: Simply Distinctive Concepts 3330 N. Galloway Ave., Ste. 304-96 Mesquite, Texas - Attention: Privacy Policy. Please note that due to e mail production schedules, you may receive an e-mail message from us after you have provided your opt-out notice.


If you have questions about this Website or our Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us at